Death and the devil
The fascination with horror
14 September 2023 – 21 January 2024
The main exhibition at the Kunstpalast Düsseldorf this autumn is not for the faint-hearted: death and the devil sow fear and terror here. However, the uneasy feeling that some of these exhibits can trigger is countered by a pleasurable fascination, sometimes even a humorous approach. Often dismissed as shallow, the genre of horror is re-evaluated in this show, which sheds light on its historical origins as well as the contemporary use of its symbols in fashion, music, film and visual art.
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The main exhibition at the Kunstpalast Düsseldorf this autumn is not for the faint-hearted: death and the devil sow fear and terror here. However, the uneasy feeling that some of these exhibits can trigger is countered by a pleasurable fascination, sometimes even a humorous approach. Often dismissed as shallow, the genre of horror is re-evaluated in this show, which sheds light on its historical origins as well as the contemporary use of its symbols in fashion, music, film and visual art.
Humankind has been preoccupied with horror and the gruesome for as long as anyone can remember. Death and the Devil is the first exhibition to chart this unwavering attraction across eras and genres. The 120 works on display range from classical painting and sculpture to elaborate installations.
Please note: The use of the image material is only permitted free of charge in connection with current journalistic reporting on the relevant exhibitions and events, provided the copyright is named. Cropping of the illustrations is not permitted.
Press images
Dmitry Smirnov, Zombie Boy (Rick Genest), 2011 © Foto: Dmitry Smirnov
Eliza Douglas, ohne Titel, 2023, Öl auf Leinwand, 210 x 160 cm, Stiftung Museum Kunstpalast © the artist / Foto: Marc Domage
Peter Beste, King ov Hell of Gorgoroth, Bergen, 2002, aus der Serie “True Norwegian Black Metal”
Friedrich Wilhelm von Schadow und Schüler, Purgatorium – Paradies – Hölle (Triptychon Das Jüngste Gericht), 848–1852, Hölle (von Schülerhand vollendet), Dauerleihgabe des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Justizverwaltung)Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Foto: Horst Kolberg
Andres Serrano, The Morgue (Homicide), Fotografie, 125 x 151 cm, 1992, Privatsammlung
King Cobra (formally known as Doreen Lynette Garner)Red Rack of Those Ravaged and Unconsenting, 2018Skulptur162,56 x 288,93 x 81,28 cmPrivatsammlung© Doreen Garner / Foto: / Manuel Carreon Lopez,
Fantich & Young, Apex Predator, Alpha Tote bag, Darwinian Voodoo Collection, 2014, Fantich & Young,
Erasmus Schröter, Contest 54, Fotografie, 150 x 120 x 4 cm (gerahmt), 2017, Privatsammlung
Sarg (Ernestine Friderica von Stockhausen), Holz (Eiche), Metall (Eisen), gebeizt, bemalt, 71 x 77 x 198 cm, 1766, Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Foto: Frank Hellwig.
Albrecht Dürer, Ritter, Tod und Teufel, Kupferstich, 24,6 x 19 cm, 1513, Kunstpalast, Sammlung der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (NRW), Foto: © Kunstpalast- LVR-ZMB – Annette Hiller
Hazeen, Sovereign Murders, 2022, Plattencover, © Safdar Ahmed, Piranha Records
Ana Lily AmirpourA Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, 2014 Filmplakat Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: DFF –Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main/ Plakatarchiv
Robert Eggers The Witch, 2015FilmstillMit freundlicher Genehmigung von: A24 Films
Grim104 Graf Grim, 2019MusikvideostillMit freundlicher Genehmigung von:BUBACK TONTRÄGER GMBH
Lady Gaga Born This Way, 2011 Plattencover Courtesy Universal Music International, Interscope Records
Friedrich Wilhelm MurnauNosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens, 1922Mit Max Schreck in der TitelrolleFilmstill / Filmmuseum Düsseldorf
Jordan Peele Get Out, 2017Filmplakat Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main / Plakatarchiv
Erasmus Schröter Contest 20, 2011Fotografie 150 x 120 x 4 cm (gerahmt)Nachlass Erasmus Schröter Leipzig, © Nachlassverwaltung A. Schröterkeine Social-Media-Nutzung erlaubt
Christophe SzpajdelRihanna-Logo, 2016Courtesy of the artist
Mary SibandeTo Everything There is a Season, 2019 Fotografie, 200 x 136 cm, Galerie Kavi Gupta© Mary Sibande
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Sarah Wulbrandt
Head of Press
Christina Bolius
Press Staff