It’s all art?! From Aldi to Rubens


Following extensive reconstruction, renovation and modernisation work, the collection wing of the Kunstpalast has been presented in a completely new light since November 2023. However, the new presentation is not a permanent exhibition: shortly after the reopening, around 150 exhibits have already been returned to the depot, while other exhibits have been brought out and taken their place in the tour.

Günter Fruhtrunk, Aldi Tüte Plastik, Entwurf 1970, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Photo: Andreas Endermann
Günter Fruhtrunk, Aldi Tüte Plastik, Entwurf 1970, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Photo: Andreas Endermann

From around 130,000 objects owned by the Kunstpalast, the display collection shows around 800 works in a chronological tour of over 5,000 square metres.

Famous paintings, such as Rubens’ Ascension or Cranach’s Unequal Couple, meet exhibits that make many a visitor wonder: Birkenstock sandals and an Aldi bag, for example. Is that art? Of course it is!

Whether miniature or monumental work, everyday object or piece of jewellery, sculpture or porcelain, drawing or interactive VR installation – this collection unites all genres. Thanks to regular new additions and rearrangements as well as temporary interventions and special presentations such as Kunstpalast in Bloom, the permanent collection, which now runs under the title It’s all Art?!, is always on the move and there is always something new to discover on the tour.

Bronner Saal, Photo: Anne Orthen
Bronner Saal, Photo: Anne Orthen

The broad concept of art in our collection It’s all Art?! From Aldi to Rubens allows surprising changes of perspective. The presentation examines the relevance of historical and contemporary art, establishes connections to current themes and demonstrates the similarities between what at first glance appear to be very different works that were created at the same time – free from stylistic categorisations and regardless of their origin.

Members of the Friends of the Kunstpalast receive free admission and the opportunity to take part in a varied programme.

Become a member

  • Explore our new collection with Antje and Gisela.

    Explore our new collection with Antje and Gisela.


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    Martial Raysse, Sur la plage, 1962, Foto: Anne Orthen
    Martial Raysse, Sur la plage, 1962, Foto: Anne Orthen

    The tour of our new collection

    Over the past three years, the Kunstpalast has been completely renovated. The new concept for the permanent exhibition offers a fresh look at the collection, which was completely redesigned in terms of both space and content.
    Thanks to the generous support of the City of Düsseldorf the vision of a modern, open museum that makes everyone feel welcome – regardless of their age or prior knowledge of art history – has been realised.

    The Kunstpalast collection is divided into seven sections: the Picture Gallery, the Collection of Prints and Drawings, Sculpture and Applied Art, Glass, Modern Art, Photography and Time-Based Media. The Picture Gallery houses European paintings from the fifteenth to the early twentieth century and is based on the Picture Gallery of Elector Palatinate Johann Wilhelm. The Düsseldorf School of Painting is a particular focal point of the collection.

    Exhibition View, Photo: Anne Orthen
    Exhibition View, Photo: Anne Orthen

    The museum’s collection is extensive, with around 130,000 objects from 11 centuries, various continents and all eras and genres. In addition to the historical holdings of the Düsseldorf Art Academy, other significant contributions to the main collection are the works from the Willi Kemp Foundation and those donated by Wolfgang Hanck.

    The presentation of the collection is generously supported by the City of Düsseldorf and our sponsors and museum gallery sponsors.

    Learn more about the Kunstpalast Collection
    The Creamcheese Room, Photo: Andreas Endermann
    The Creamcheese Room, Photo: Andreas Endermann

    Reconstruction of the Legendary Creamcheese

    Time travel to the 1960s

    The legendary Düsseldorf underground club Creamcheese, which was THE hotspot for the music and art scene from the late 1960s to the 1970s, has been brought back to life here.

    After its closure, the artistic interior became the property of the Kunstpalast in 1978.
    The bar area of this legendary pub has been reconstructed and is now on display at the Kunstpalast, with works by Günther Uecker, Gerhard Richter, Daniel Spoerri and other artists exhibited there at the time.

    Part of the collection tour during regular opening hours, on Saturdays the Creamcheese room also invites visitors to stay late into the evening with drinks and music from the 1960s and 1970s. The bar can be booked for events on Fridays.

    Explore the Creamcheese Room
    Katalog “Der neue Kunstpalast”


    The new Kunstpalast

    The publication, published by Wienand Verlag, comprises 256 pages and 200 colour illustrations, with a greeting from Lord Mayor Stephan Keller and an introduction by Director General Felix Krämer.

    Edited by Felix Krämer with Felicity Korn and Westrey Page, 256 pages with 200 colour illustrations, 27 x 36 cm, language: German, Paperback edition 29,90 € in the museum shop. Online prices vary.

    Visit our online shop

    The Kunstpalast App

      The Kunstpalast App with Wassily Kandinsky, Stille Harmonie, 1924
      The Kunstpalast App with Wassily Kandinsky, Stille Harmonie, 1924

      Experience art in multiple dimensions

      Developed in cooperation with our digital partner ERGO, the Kunstpalast app now offers visitors an immersive, enhanced art experience. Available free of charge, the app enables visitors to experience works of art from the collection using augmented reality, combining learning and fun at the same time: while some features provide additional information on individual works, others are designed to amaze with surprising specials.

      Learn more and download the app
      Photo: Anne Orthen
      Photo: Anne Orthen


      Being creative together

      The cultural education workshops are now presented in a new location with a revised concept: the Palace Studio is a 350-square-metre, light, open and accessible space for working and thinking that combines a studio and a media lab, a darkroom and a discussion venue

      The museum’s education partner, C. Josef Lamy GmbH, is the new sponsor of this meeting place for artistic and creative exchange.

      Find out more
      The Spot On Room, Photo: Anne Orthen

      Spot on room

      On the 1st floor of our new collection tour, there is a special room that provides a stage for changing exhibitions. Twice a year, this space is reorganised to focus on different themes and artists from our collection.

      The new cabinet exhibition “Hairytales” focuses on female body hair, which presents works of painting, photography, graphic art and design from the 16th century to the present day.

      More information

      Offers for children

        Room by Christoph Niemann, Photo: Andreas Endermann
        Room by Christoph Niemann, Photo: Andreas Endermann

        Rhino palast

        Hidden rooms by Christoph Niemann

        Our visitors, young and old, can discover four hidden children’s rooms in our new tour of the collection. Designed exclusively for the Kunstpalast by the artist and illustrator Christoph Niemann, these special rooms, called Rhino Palast, will take you on a journey of discovery that will test the limits of your perception and allow you to playfully take over the museum.

        Learn more
        Tonie-Box, Photo: Anne Orthen
        Tonie-Box, Photo: Anne Orthen

        Rhino Tour

        explore the kunstpalast with tonies

        With Nele and Piet to Knight and Rubens: there is a lot for children to discover in the new Kunstpalast. An audio tour that can be played via the Toniebox introduces young visitors to 26 selected works of art in the collection through exciting and entertaining stories.

        This unique audio guide is made possible by the cooperation with the company Boxine GmbH, which produces audio systems with matching audio figures, the Tonies.

        Go on Rhino Tour


          Photo: Stefan Arendt
          Photo: Stefan Arendt

          Meet Anna Maria

          The Taste of kunstpalast

          Saban Emini and Joakim Olsen are from now on looking after the culinary well-being of our visitors. Together with their team, the two Düsseldorfers are running our new restaurant “Anna Maria”. You can look forward to a varied lunch menu, coffee and cake as well as a selected evening and wine menu.

          Learn more

          Sponsored by

          Halloween Lounge

          Tod und Teufel. Faszination des Horrors

          18 – 21 Uhr

          Drop By

          Keine Anmeldung notwendig. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Ausstellung.


          Tue 31 Oct 2023, 18:00


          » Kunstpalast


          9 €

          Bram Stoker's Dracula
          Bram Stoker’s Dracula

          In unserer Halloween Lounge könnt ihr euch perfekt auf den schaurigsten Tag des Jahres einstimmen: Make-up-Artists schminken euch schaurige Looks und erschreckend echt aussehende Wunden, die Künstlerin SOFF erstellt im Gespräch mit euch ein Porträt eures spirituellen Wesens und Signature Drinks könnt ihr an der Kristallbar genießen. Die Ausstellung „Tod und Teufel. Faszination des Horrors“ ist den ganzen Abend geöffnet, um 19 Uhr gibt es im Modebereich außerdem eine Tanz-Perfomance mit Enting Zhang und Kollektiv. Führungen zu Tod, Teufel oder Vampirismus für alle die sich trauen beginnen um 18 Uhr und um 20 Uhr.
          Ausstellungseintritt: 9 € / Tickets an der Abendskasse
          Im Anschluss wird um 21.30 Uhr im nahegelegenen Programmkino Bambi Bram Stroker’s Dracula gezeigt. Tickets sind erhältlich über das Kino auf der Website oder an der Abendkasse.
          Preis: 10 € / 8 € (Gildepass)

          Mey & Edlich presents LORDI

          Open-Air-Konzert im Ehrenhof

          Rahmenprogramm zur Ausstellung „Tod und Teufel. Faszination des Horrors“


          Hier erhalten Sie die Tickets


          Sat 23 Sep 2023, 20:00


          » Kunstpalast


          23 € zzgl. Bearbeitungsgebühr

          Lordi, Foto: Eero Kokko
          Lordi, Foto: Eero Kokko


          Kunstpalast Open-Air

          Am 23. September 2023 holt Mey & Edlich die finnische Hardrock- und Heavy-Metal-Band Lordi auf die Bühne vor dem Kunstpalast.

          2006 gewannen sie als erste Metaller mit „Hard Rock Hallelujah“ den Eurovision Song Contest und starteten damit ihre internationale Karriere. Für Sie legen die Monster, Zombies und Trolle der Band jetzt eine Performance hin, die den Kunstpalast beben lässt.

          Die 666 Freikarten sind leider bereits vergeben!

          Reguläre Tickets können Sie hier buchen.

          Für die Freunde des Kunstpalastes ist ein Kontingent von 100 Freitickets reserviert.

          Jenseits des Sichtbaren – Weltraumteleskope

          Refik Anadol. Machine Hallucinations

          Vorträge im snh-Planetarium „Stellarium Erkrath“

          Jetzt buchen

          Die Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperation mit der Sternwarte Neanderhöhe Hochdahl e.V. Sie können über die Website des snh-Planetariums oder per Mail Plätze reservieren.


          8 Feb – 7 May 2023


          » snh-Planetarium

          6 / 8 €

          Refik Anadol, Machine Hallucinations – Satellite Simulations: B 2021,© the artist and König Galerie Berlin, Seoul, Vienna, Courtesy Art Collection Telekom
          Refik Anadol, Machine Hallucinations – Satellite Simulations: B 2021,© the artist and König Galerie Berlin, Seoul, Vienna, Courtesy Art Collection Telekom

          Atemberaubende Bilder von Planeten, Sternen, Nebeln und fernen Galaxien lassen uns seit Jahrzehnten über die Weiten des Alls staunen. Zu verdanken haben wir dies leistungsstarken Geräten wie dem Hubble- oder dem James-Webb-Teleskop, die unser Verständnis vom Universum revolutionierten. Wie jedoch funktionieren sie, was ist deren Geschichte, was haben sie uns gezeigt und was haben wir daraus gelernt? Diese und andere Fragen klären wir in einem live moderierten Vortrag mit musikalisch untermalten Bildersequenzen in 360°.

          Die Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperation mit der Sternwarte Neanderhöhe Hochdahl e.V. im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Refik Anadol. Machine Hallucinations“. Einer der in der Ausstellung gezeigten Arbeit liegen über zwei Millionen, von Weltraumteleskopen aufgenommene Bilder zu Grunde, die ein Algorithmus zu einem neuen, eigenständigen Kunstwerk verarbeitete.

          Veranstaltungsort: snh-Planetarium „Stellarium Erkrath“, Bürgerhaus Hochdahl (Eingang West), Sedentaler Straße 105, Erkrath-Hochdahl, Tel. 02104-947666 (Mo–Fr, 9–15 Uhr)

          Dauer: ca. 90 Minuten, Gebühr: 6/8 €
          Altersempfehlung: ab 12 Jahren

          Alle Termine

          Sa, 18.3.2023, 19.30 Uhr
          Fr, 31.3.2023, 19.30 Uhr
          Sa, 15.4.2023, 19.30 Uhr

          Alle Termine

          Die Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperation mit der Sternwarte Neanderhöhe Hochdahl e.V. (snh) im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Refik Anadol. Machine Hallucinations“. Sie können über die E-Mail Adresse Plätze reservieren.

          Zur Website der snh

          Captivate! Fashion photography from the 90s

          Curated by Claudia Schiffer

          15 September 2021 – 9 January 2022

          Captivate! Fashion photography from the 90s
          Richard Avedon: Nadja Auermann, Christy Turlington, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Stephanie Seymour, 1994


          15 September 2021 – 9 January 2022


          » Kunstpalast
          • Admission: 9 € / concessions 7 €

          • Children / young people under 18: free

          • Members of Friends of the Kunstpalast: free


          Claudia Schiffer offers a unique perspective on the decade that changed fashion forever, as the curator of ‘Fashion Photography from the 1990s’ at Kunstpalast Düsseldorf. 

          Ellen von Unwerth: Claudia Schiffer, Guess Campaign, 1990
          Ellen von Unwerth: Claudia Schiffer, Guess Campaign, 1990

          Supermodel and global fashion icon, Claudia Schiffer, takes Kunstpalast visitors on a personal journey through the fashion industry of the 1990s. In her first curated exhibition, Schiffer brings together legendary fashion photographers, designers, editors and supermodels, whose energy and vision, like her own, captivated and shaped the decade.

          Approximately 150 exhibits draw upon a diverse panorama of the various aspects, characters, and places that were important in the fashion world of the time and the broader cultural sphere. Schiffer balances major photographic works, which continue to inspire and influence today’s artists and designers, with unseen and intimate material. Moving image, music and memorabilia from her private archive will reflect the dynamism and change of the era, allowing visitors to catch a glimpse behind the scenes of legendary fashion shows and afterparties.

          Richard Avedon: Nadja Auermann, Christy Turlington, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Stephanie Seymour, 1994
          Richard Avedon: Nadja Auermann, Christy Turlington, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Stephanie Seymour, 1994

          The exhibition provides insights into a diverse world of images: the extravaganza of Arthur Elgort’s oeuvre is shown next to Corinne Day’s intimate and immediate style. Ellen von Unwerth’s sense of humour and exuberant play with sexiness, meet the sculptural and perfectly composed works by Herb Ritts. The provocative photos by Juergen Teller contrast with Karl Lagerfeld’s elegant and timeless images. Many more iconic photographers are featured in the show. Furthermore, the exhibition showcases the richness and variety of fashion media. From the billboard to the perfectly framed print, magazine pages or Polaroids, visitors will encounter images in every possible form.

          Sponsored by:

          Julius Bär
          Fashion Design Institut
          Breidenbacher Hof
          Süddeutsche Zeitung

          Claudia Schiffer bei der Vorbereitung des Katalogs, Foto: Lucie McCullin
          Claudia Schiffer bei der Vorbereitung des Katalogs, Foto: Lucie McCullin

          About Claudia Schiffer

          Claudia Schiffer was born in Rheinberg, Germany in 1970. She was first discovered in 1987 by a model agent in Checker’s Dusseldorf nightclub and is one of the original and most in-demand Supermodels of all time. She has featured on the cover of over 1000 globally renowned titles and has been an inspiration to a myriad of designers, in a career that spans more than 30 years. She has also been the subject of the most renowned photography of our time and taken some of the most cutting-edge fashion down the catwalk.


          • Exhibition Trailer

            Exhibition Trailer


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          Exhibition Playlist – Selected by Claudia Schiffer

          From her biggest runway moments to iconic songs of the 90s – Claudia Schiffer has exclusively selected her favourite fashion tracks for the Kunstpalast.

          Go to Spotify-Playlist.


          Accompanying the exhibition, Prestel-Verlag is publishing a richly illustrated catalogue with the visual appearance of a coffee table book. It includes a conversation between Felix Krämer and Claudia Schiffer, personal essays by fashion luminaries Carine Roitfeld, Christiane Arp and Ellen von Unwerth, and quotes from leading figures in the fashion industry such as Anna Wintour, Edward Enniful, Grace Coddington, Donatella Versace and Valentino Garavani.

          0,00 €

          Delivery time: 3-5 days

          Free shipping in Germany
          More info about shipping costs here

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          Hotel Recommendations

          Herb Ritts: Helena Christensen, Claudia Schiffer, Stephanie Seymour, Christy Tourlington, Naomi Campbell, Hollywood, 1993
          Herb Ritts: Helena Christensen, Claudia Schiffer, Stephanie Seymour, Christy Tourlington, Naomi Campbell, Hollywood, 1993

          Hotel Breidenbacher Hof Düsseldorf, Königsallee 11

          Hotel Indigo, Kaiserswerther Str. 20

          Hotel Meliá, Inselstr. 2

          Hotel Hyatt Regency, Speditionsstr. 19

          Hotel cooperation

          A relaxing staycation for everyone with an artsy faible”

          Breidenbacher Hof Düsseldorf
          Königsallee 11
          Entrance Theodor-Körner-Straße 1-7
          40212 Düsseldorf
          Phone: +49 (0)211 160 90 0
          Fax: +49 (0)211 160 90 111

          Further information on cooperation and booking here.

          Caspar David Friedrich and the Düsseldorf Romantics

          15 October 2020 – 24 May 2021

          Caspar David Friedrich and the Düsseldorf Romantics
          Caspar David Friedrich, Lebensstufen, um 1834


          15 October 2020 – 24 May 2021


          » Kunstpalast
          • Admission: 9€ / concessions 7€

          • Children / young people under 18: free

          • Members of Friends of the Kunstpalast: free


          During his lifetime, Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840), the most eminent artist of German early Romanticism, had a lively relationship with various representatives of Düsseldorf landscape painting. It was marked by criticism and polemics but also by mutual recognition. From the 1820s onwards, Friedrich’s work lost popularity and was finally eclipsed by the up-and-coming Düsseldorf School of Painting

          Caspar David Friedrich, Kreuz im Gebirge, um 1812
          Caspar David Friedrich, Kreuz im Gebirge, um 1812

          The exhibition comprising approximately 120 works illustrates the changes in taste occurring in the period between early Romanticism and the beginnings of the Realist movement. For the first time Saxonian landscape painting forms a dialogue with works of the Düsseldorf School of Painting. Around 30 paintings and 20 drawings by Friedrich, as well as works by his Dresden colleagues Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869), Ludwig Richter (1803-1884) and Ernst Ferdinand Oehme (1797-1855) are juxtaposed with paintings by the Düsseldorf artists Andreas (1815-1910) and Oswald Achenbach (1827-1905), Carl Friedrich Lessing (1808-1880), Johann Wilhelm Schirmer (1807–1863) and others.

          The first half of the 19th century saw a lively and multifaceted cultural exchange between the Rhineland region and Saxony. From 1826, Friedrich exhibited at a variety of German art academies, as did the director of the Düsseldorf Academy of Art, Wilhelm Schadow (1788-1862), and members of the early generation of the Düsseldorf School of Painting. According to Friedrich, contemplation of nature was meant to facilitate an exploration of the inner self; landscape paintings were not merely intended to depict nature, but to arouse emotions, as is symbolised by the Rückenfigur motif (figure seen from behind). From the late 1820s onwards, works by artists in both Düsseldorf and Saxony made reference to Friedrich’s paintings. However, paintings by Düsseldorf artists increasingly exhibited more dramatism and pathos, as well as being of a considerably larger format; they told stories and were convincingly refined technically. This style of painting gradually had an increasing influence, particularly on the Saxonian art scene, and thus, leading Düsseldorf painters were eventually awarded professorships at the Dresden Academy.

          Presented in eight sections ranging from studio scenes to a variety of landscape themes, the exhibition explores the ways in which Dresden Romanticism came to be superseded by the Düsseldorf style of painting, as well as addressing the social developments underlying this change in taste. Alongside native landscapes, maritime paintings and moonlit nocturnes, the exhibition also illuminates the plein air study as a working method. Referring to issues such as ephemerality – a central theme in Romantic art – the exhibition illustrates the evolution of painting from the silent contemplation of Caspar David Friedrich to the social satire occurring in genre paintings by Düsseldorf artists. Further interesting contrasts are demonstrated by comparing Friedrich’s contemplative Rocky Reef on the Sea Shore to the stormy dramatism of Andreas Achenbach’s Storm at Sea off the Norwegian Coast. Important loans from the Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Folkwang Museum Essen, Musée du Louvre, Paris, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid, as well as a variety of other renowned public and private collections complement the extensive show.

          Curators: Bettina Baumgärtel, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Jan Nicolaisen, Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig

          The exhibition is a collaboration with the Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig.

          Sponsored by:
          Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
          Kulturstiftung der Länder


          • Trailer



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          The presentation is accompanied by a 208-page catalogue in German published by Sandstein Verlag, including a foreword by Felix Krämer / Jeannette Stoschek and texts by Bettina Baumgärtel, Johannes Grave, Florian Illies, Jan Nicolaisen and Maria Zinser.
          Museum edition: 29,80 €
          Retail edition: 38,00 €

          Hotel Recommendations

          Living Hotel de Medici, Mühlenstr. 31

          Hotel Indigo, Kaiserswerther Str. 20

          Hotel Meliá, Inselstr. 2

          Hotel Hyatt Regency, Speditionsstr. 19

          Breidenbacher Hof
          Breidenbacher Hof

          Hotel Cooperation

          A relaxing staycation for everyone with an artsy faible.”
          Königsallee 11
          40212 Düsseldorf
          Phone: +49 (0)211 160 90 0
          Fax: +49 (0)211 160 90 111

          Further information on cooperation and booking here 

          Into the Light.
          The Liberation of Nature

          Curated by Florian Illies

          8 Feb – 7 May 2023

          Carl Robert Kummer, Abendstimmung an der Elbe, o. J.


          8 Feb – 7 May 2023


          » Kunstpalast
          • Admission: 12 € / concessions 9 €

          • Children / young people under 18: free

          • Members of Friends of the Kunstpalast: free

          Clouds, waves, wind and light – from 1820 onwards, painters captured the ephemerality of nature by means of the new technique of the oil study.

          The most important artists of the Düsseldorf School of Painting, and also Caspar David Friedrich and Camille Corot used fast-drying paints to realise their experience of nature directly in situ.

          Carl Robert Kummer, Abendstimmung an der Elbe, o.J.
          Carl Robert Kummer, Abendstimmung an der Elbe, o.J.

          For the first time in Germany, an exhibition is dedicated to the oil study as one of the most pivotal revolutions in form in 19th-century art. Showing a wealth of works from private and museum collections that have never been shown to the public, the exhibition illuminates artists’ appreciative gaze on nature in the Romantic period.

          An unusual aspect is that the oil studies were used by the artists for private purposes only and were never exhibited. It wasn’t until two hundred years later that, owing to new viewing habits, they came to be appreciated as works of art in their own right – and, at that, often to an even greater extent than the finished studio paintings for which the painters were renowned.

          Nevertheless, the oil studies were not only revolutionary in terms of form, but also as regards their content. They offered a fresh perspective on nature. All of a sudden, the incidental became worthy of depiction: the play of light and shadow, wayside trees, grasses swaying in the wind, bubbling brooks. With the studies, the artists created a stockpile of motifs from which they drew inspiration throughout their artistic career. And this is precisely the power they reveal to the viewer today.

          The exhibition comprises around 170 works by 75 artists.

          Johann Jakob Frey, Wolkenstudie (bei Rom?), o. J.
          Johann Jakob Frey, Wolkenstudie (bei Rom?), o. J.

          Curator of the exhibition is art historian and author Florian Illies, alongside co-curator Anna Christina Schütz, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf.

          The Museum Behnhaus Drägerhaus, Lübeck, will be presenting the exhibition from 12 July to 15 October 2023.


          0,00 €

          Delivery time: 3-5 days

          Free shipping in Germany
          More info about shipping costs here

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          Sponsored by

          Christo and Jeanne-Claude

          Paris. New York. Crossing Borders

          7 September 2022 – 22 January 2023

          Christo and Jeanne-Claude
          Christo und Jeanne-Claude, L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped, Paris, 1961-2021


          7 September 2022 – 22 January 2023


          » Kunstpalast
          • Admission: 9€ / concessions 7€

          • Children / young people under 18: free

          • Members of Friends of the Kunstpalast: free


          The exhibition traces the art historical development of Christo and Jeanne-Claude since the mid-1950s to this day and introduces the artists’ early work created in France in the context of works by a number of artist colleagues.

          Christo und Jeanne-Claude, L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped, Paris, 1961-2021
          Christo und Jeanne-Claude, L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped, Paris, 1961-2021

          Alongside works by Christo the exhibition presents paintings and objects by Arman, Niki de Saint Phalle, Jean Dubuffet, Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein and others. This contextualisation within the diverse field of reference of the avant-garde in 1950s Paris illuminates the specific ways in which the work of Christo and Jeanne-Claude evolved and what characterises their artistic position.

          Christo und Jeanne-Claude vor dem Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin 1995
          Christo und Jeanne-Claude vor dem Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin 1995

          The project is the last exhibition approved by Christo shortly before his death in May 2020. The starting point of the project is the substantial collection held by Ingrid and Thomas Jochheim, which represents one of the most extensive private compilations of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s art world-wide. It includes a wealth of objects and large-scale drawings, graphic works and photographs. The exhibition introduces each and every project realised by Christo and Jeanne-Claude since Wrapped Coast dating from 1968/69. The show also presents studies and drafts of the Mastaba project for Abu Dhabi, which has not been realised yet and which with its dimensions exceeding those of the Great Pyramid of Giza would become a veritable monument of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s creativity.

          Christo, The Gates (Project for Central Park,New York City), 2004
          Christo, The Gates (Project for Central Park,New York City), 2004

          The Museum of Art and Cultural History Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig, will be presenting a modified version of the exhibition from 10 March to 3 September 2023.
          Curator of the exhibition is Kay Heymer, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, alongside co-curator Sophie-Marie Sümmermann, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf.

          Sponsored by:
          Credit Suisse

          Exhibition film

          • Exhibition film

            Exhibition film


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          Catalogue “Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Paris. New York. Crossing Borders”, Photo: Anne Orthen


          The exhibition is accompanied by an approximately 200-page German catalogue with numerous illustrations, a foreword by Felix Krämer, an essay by Kay Heymer, a chronology by Matthias Koddenberg and an interview by Dr. Sophie-Marie Sümmermann with the collectors couple Ingrid and Thomas Jochheim.
          The catalogue’s price is 38,00€ in our shop and 45,00€ in bookshops.
          It is published by Verlag Kettler.

          Foto: Wolf-Dieter Tabbert
          Foto: Wolf-Dieter Tabbert


          For decades, Christo and Jeanne-Claude created artwortks that required an enormous amount of planning, caused sensations and provided many visitors worldwide with unforgettable moments.

          What are your personal memories of the artist couple?
          Share your favourite Christo moments and photos with us on Facebook and Instagram! #christomoments
          You can also email us your favourite photos and most fascinating stories to!

          Among all submissions, we will draw five Christo packages consisting of the exhibition catalogue, two free tickets to the Kunstpalast and a gift box full of delicious surprises from our sponsor Katjes. 
          By sending in the photos, you allow the Kunstpalast to share them on social media (Facebook and Instagram). You can find further conditions of participation here.

          Hotel Recommendations

          Christo Verhüllter Triumphbogen (Projekt für Paris) – Charles de Gaulle, 2019Bleistift, Wachskreide, Emailfarbe, Fotografie von Wolfgang Volz, Karte und Klebeband43,2 x 56,9 cmSammlung Ingrid & Thomas Jochheim© Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2022Foto: André Grossmann
          Christo Verhüllter Triumphbogen (Projekt für Paris) – Charles de Gaulle, 2019Bleistift, Wachskreide, Emailfarbe, Fotografie von Wolfgang Volz, Karte und Klebeband43,2 x 56,9 cmSammlung Ingrid & Thomas Jochheim© Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2022Foto: André Grossmann

          Hotel The Wellem Düsseldorf, Mühlenstraße 34

          Hotel Breidenbacher Hof Düsseldorf, Königsallee 11

          Hotel Indigo, Kaiserswerther Str. 20

          Hotel Meliá, Inselstr. 2

          Hotel Hyatt Regency, Speditionsstr. 19

          Foto: The Wellem Düsseldorf
          Foto: The Wellem Düsseldorf

          Hotel Cooperations

          The Wellem in Düsseldorf offers „The Wellem Art Experience” Package.

          The Wellem Düsseldorf
          Mühlenstraße 34
          40213 Düsseldorf
          Phone: +49 (0)211 547650622

          Further information on the cooperation and booking here.

          Photo: Breidenbacher Hof
          Photo: Breidenbacher Hof

          A relaxing staycation for everyone with an artsy faible”

          Breidenbacher Hof Düsseldorf
          Königsallee 11
          Entrance Theodor-Körner-Straße 1-7
          40212 Düsseldorf
          Phone: +49 (0)211 160 90 0
          Fax: +49 (0)211 160 90 111

          Cornelius Völker

          31 August 2023 – 7 January 2024

          Cornelius Völker


          31 August 2023 – 7 January 2024


          » Kunstpalast
          • Admission: 16 € / concessions 12 €

          • Children / young people under 18: free

          • Members of Friends of the Kunstpalast: free

          Whether lighter, leaf or lips, or heroin, heart or hands – as diverse as the motifs in Cornelius Völker’s (*1965) oeuvre are: the artist’s spirited and vividly coloured style of painting, often exploring familiar and everyday subjects shown in a new light, has always been characteristic of his work. Time and again, also objects generally deemed hardly worthy of painting find their way into Völker’s art.

          Buy Tickets Online

          When do you want to visit?

          Cornelius Völker Buchkanten, 2019
          Cornelius Völker Buchkanten, 2019

          In this first institutional retrospective staged in his home city of Düsseldorf, the Kunstpalast is showing 85 oil paintings and 50 works on paper from all phases of the artist’s caree

          Nine exhibition chapters guide viewers through Völker’s oeuvre.

          Cornelius Völker, Photo: Heike Göttert Goslar
          Cornelius Völker, Photo: Heike Göttert Goslar

          Cornelius Völker (*1965) studied at the Academy of Art Düsseldorf from 1989 to 1995. He lives and works in Düsseldorf.

          In 2005 he was appointed Professor of Painting at the Academy of Art Münster.

          Völker has developed a powerful style of figurative painting in which realism and a complex handling of colour combine to form a distinctive pictorial language. His paintings make familiar objects appear in a new light, bringing surprising facets to the fore with outstanding precision and inventiveness.

          Cornelius Völker, Meerschweinchen, 2003
          Cornelius Völker, Meerschweinchen, 2003

          The project is a collaboration between the Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, and Museum MORE in Gorssel.

          Curators: Maite van Dijk, Museum MORE and Kay Heymer, Kunstpalast

          Sponsored by

          DIE GROSSE

          Kunstausstellung NRW 2023

          3 June – 9 July 2023

          DIE GROSSE
          Jan Kolata, Preisträger des Kunstpreis der Künstler*innen 2023, Foto: Ulrich Baatz


          3 June – 9 July 2023


          » Kunstpalast
          • Admission: 10 € / concessions 7 €

          • Children / young people under 18: free

          • Members of Friends of the Kunstpalast: free

          Exhibition View
          Exhibition View “Die GROSSE 2023”, Photo: Morgaine Prinz

          Once again, the largest and longest-standing art exhibition in Germany organised by artists will be taking place this summer.

          By organising DIE GROSSE, the association “Verein zur Veranstaltung von Kunstausstellungen e.V.” has provided a unique platform of exchange between artists and art enthusiasts since 1902.

          Each year, participating artists are selected by a different jury. All works can be purchased directly on the premises. The exhibition presented at the Kunstpalast, NRW-Forum and Ehrenhof includes works from the fields of painting, photography, graphic art, sculpture, installation and video art.

          More information can be found here.